Sunday, February 19, 2012

Grand Staircase - Work in Progress (WIP)

 A couple of years ago I got my hands on a couple pieces of styrofoam that screamed at me "Tower Keep"! This was before I got into the brick building I am doing now.  So a few months ago I decided I should finish making that stryrofoam in to the tower, I thought to myself, I can build a staircase and put a door on it, you know, make it cooler than just painting it grey and being done with it.

So as I started making the stairs, it quickly grew into something much larger than what the tower called for and decided that the tower was going to be just the beginning of the keep. As I fiddled around with the design of the staircase I realized that I could make it modular, we could use different configurations of different pieces.

As part of that modularity I found 1/4'' cubed magnets and have cast them into certain brick molds in order to have the various pieces stay together without fear of them falling over and breaking. More on that as I progress.

So here's the first picture of the vision of the Grand Staircase in it's entirety and unglued.
 Looking at the picture below, you can see the division of the major pieces. Broken into 3 large components; left stair, right stair, and central floor. The idea is that we can remove the top stairs and and use just the left stair and top stair, or put the left and right stairs together and set the top stair on that. There will obviously be a few other pieces to make to give it a complete look and you will see this as I build it up.

Away we go!

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