Monday, February 13, 2012

   It's been awhile since I've posted. I have been building and casting but the things I've been working on are all predesigned constructs from Hirst Arts. I mostly did o to hone my skill and learn the ins and outs of casting and building. They were fun to build but far from anything great. I've built a Bridge (complete with Cthullhu statues), a Gallows/Guillotene, and a Teleport circle or Stargate, whatever you want to call it. Pictures below.

   Now I'm starting on a couple of original projects and plan to post as I design and build. The first is a grand staircase that is modular. This came from the desire to finish another project that this will ultimately be part of but can be used for other purposes in gaming.

   The second is an ultimate DM screen for gaming. It'll be similar to the one WotC offered a few years ago but bigger. It'll take som time and a lot more casting to finish but ultimately worth it.

Here are a few pictures from the previously mentioned projects.

This is what I call the Bridge of Madness. The statues on them are Cthullhu markers from a Call of Cthullhu game by Fantasy Flight Games and were a perfect size for this.
 Here's the approach.
The Teleport circle we call the Onyx Gate. This picture is not a completed picture. The final has some acane symbols scrolled around the gate.

The last is the Gallows platform.I've also bought a blackhooded excutioner from Reaper Miniatures that I'll eventually paint to go with it.

The other I haven't mentioned it the corner tower piece from the modular wall project I mentioned awhile back. Haven't gotten pictures of it. I'll post those later. As part of that project, I have started designing the gatehouse for it.

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